Rockabilly changed my life! My second band, The Ready Teds, plays one of our first gigs in Richmond, 1981. The venue, Hard Times, is history now. Left to right: Mike Norhtrup, bass, Dave Reagan, drums, me in the middle sporting blue jeans and a bandana, and Kurt Dressel on guitar. There are about 2 people in the audience. We didn't care, we just wanted to play. I had heard The Stray Cats on an European import LP (where the band was already very popular), and formed The Ready Teds from the inspiration. I caught the time-line just right. A few months later The Stray Cats would break in the USA via something new called MTV. The Ready Teds were right there up and playing rockabilly music when they did. We really caught on. At the time of this photo, no one had any idea that the band would become as successful and popular as we eventually did. The beginning of another important era for me. To hear it, check out the "Maximum Rockabilly" compilation offered in the Alpha Sound Archive Series.